The surgical method to be recommended in the treatment of diseases related to the gallbladder is almost always the removal of the gallbladder, that is, cholecystectomy. Although this operation is one of the most frequently performed operations of the General Surgery discipline, it is not a simple operation due to possible differences in anatomical structures. It can be done open or closed (laparoscopically). In today's conditions, every cholecystectomy should be planned to be performed laparoscopically if there is no special requirement for the patient. The full name of the operation is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Laparoscopy is a surgical method performed with a camera and special hand tools placed through a few incisions of 1 cm or less in the abdominal wall. With the laparoscopic method described in this surgery, the duct (cystic duct) and artery (cystic artery) of the gallbladder are closed with clips and cut, then the gallbladder is separated from the liver and taken out of the abdomen. The operation is completed by closing the incisions made on the abdominal wall and skin. Due to the small size of the incisions, both the postoperative period of the patients and the hospital stay are shortened.
For patients who are recommended laparoscopic cholecystectomy because of stones in the gallbladder, the day of surgery can be determined after preoperative blood tests and anesthesia examination. The patient, who is hospitalized on the morning of the operation, starts to eat orally within 4 hours after the operation, if there is no problem, he can stay in the hospital for one night and go home the next day. Patients who come from outside the city and have surgery come to the control examination on the 5th day of the operation after leaving the hospital on the first day, and can leave the city after the control examination.
After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, problems that can be seen after each operation and complications related to this operation may be encountered. Bleeding, lung problems that can be seen after surgery, complications related to anesthesia are problems that can be seen in all surgeries. Bleeding, if it develops, happens within the first 48 hours and may sometimes require a second surgery. For lung problems, patients should do effective breathing exercises.
Since the anatomy of the gallbladder and surrounding organs varies greatly from person to person, it is necessary to be very careful. In gallbladder surgery, while the duct (cystic duct) and artery of the gallbladder are closed and cut with clips, injuries may occur in the main bile duct or the main vessels feeding the liver. This prolongs the operation time and hospital stay. If these injuries are detected after surgery, laparoscopic surgery can be converted to open surgery, and it may be necessary to make a new path between the bile ducts and the intestine in the same session. If the injury is diagnosed after surgery, it will be necessary to correct the biliary tract anatomy with a new surgery after a 4-6 week treatment period.